
Across all 4 major regions


$30.8 million

Key Dates :

All BESS installed and commissioned by Dec 2024

Benefits :

  • Increases network hosting capacity
  • Gives customers the opportunity to install solar panels

Project overview

To safeguard the reliable supply of electricity to each community, we need to limit how much rooftop solar the electricity system can accommodate; this limit is called hosting capacity. By installing Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) in seven regional networks, we will increase hosting capacity so more people can install, connect and benefit from rooftop solar.

By 2024, we will have boosted the hosting capacity of Yungngora, Broome, Marble Bar, Carnarvon, Exmouth, Yalgoo, Wiluna, Esperance, Halls Creek and Fitzroy Crossing giving residents the opportunity to invest in rooftop solar, or upgrade their current system.

    What's happening now

    A better solution

    So we can offer our customers cleaner and more robust future energy solutions, we have made the strategic decision to descope the delivery of BESS in these towns as a part of this project.

    In line with our Integrated Resource Planning framework, we are undertaking a feasibility study to see whether we can deliver energy systems to Gascoyne Junction and Menzies that remove hosting capacity limits and transition the towns to higher renewable energy.


    Find out how we’re delivering a similar outcome in Exmouth, where we’ve worked with the community to design a power solution that will deliver 80% renewable energy to the area, here.

    What's happening now

    Marble Bar BESS is commissioned

    Our CEO, Stephanie Unwin, joined the Marble Bar community to celebrate the commissioning of the town’s new Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in December.

    Marble Bar’s new BESS will free up more than 100kW of hosting capacity, which means more customers can install, connect to, and benefit from rooftop solar.

    Learn more

    What's happening now

    Marble Bar BESS

    Our Marble Bar BESS is now in situ and undergoing pre-commissioning testing.

    Once testing is completed, the Marble Bar BESS will free up more than 100kW of additional hosting capacity, which we expect to be available to customers by mid-December this year.

    What's happening now

    Yalgoo solution

    Our first Renew the Regions BESS has been installed in Yalgoo!

    The unit is fully commissioned and currently undergoing its reliability testing.

    This means more hosting capacity will be released to residents in the very near future.

    What's happening now

    BESS orders placed

    We’ve awarded Hybrid Systems Australia the contract to supply and install Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) in Carnarvon, Marble Bar, Wiluna, Yalgoo and Yungngora.

    The systems will be deployed across 2021 and will allow customers to install rooftop solar systems on their homes once commissioned.

    Read more

    What's happening now

    Extended solar access across WA

    We’re driven to make solar power an option in towns with accessibility and reliability challenges.

    That’s why we’re working hard to secure the final four agreements for BESS in Broome, Exmouth, Gascoyne Junction and Menzies, so watch this space for updates!



    What does this mean for my community?

    A Greener Town
    Enables more people to make the switch to solar energy.
    Community First
    Creates local jobs through the delivery phase of the project.
    Regional Community Focus
    Helps the regional economy by engaging local businesses and suppliers.
    Energy Affordability
    Gives you the option of reducing your energy bill by installing solar.