What's happening now
25 out of 30
In partnership with our lead contractor MPS, we’ve safely and successfully installed 25 rooftop solar systems on schools across our service area.
We only have 5 systems to go, but there’s still plenty of work to be done! These last systems are whoppers and make up more than 50% of the PV we’ll be installing across the whole program.
Esperance SHS is up next, then Halls Creek and Wyndham high schools to see out 2021.
What's happening now
On track
Our Solar Schools team is on track and delivering!
Contractors safely commissioned systems on the rooftops of remote community schools in Looma and One Arm Point in August.
And, our team of experts is back at it, installing systems on schools in Esperance, the Mid West and Pilbara throughout September and October.
What's happening now
Pilbara schools get solar
The systems on Peg’s Creek, Baynton West, Millars Well, Tambrey and Karratha primary schools were installed and commissioned in May this year. And Karratha SHS received a whopping 225kW system (that’s 500+ solar panels!) in June.
The schools are already enjoying the benefits that their new systems bring (think: lower costs and carbon emissions).
We’ll be installing solar on 11 Pilbara schools before the end of 2020 — find out what other schools are involved here.
What's happening now
ABC comes to visit
ABC Pilbara visited us at Baynton West Primary School in late April to check on our progress and ask the Year 6 students what they thought about solar.
The verdict? The enthusiastic students were all excited to share their knowledge about this important source of energy and thrilled their new system would help the environment.
What's happening now
Esperance update
Nulsen, Castletown and Munglinup primary schools received their new rooftop solar systems in March, where our teams installed 73 panels across the three schools.
What's happening now
Take it away!
We kicked off our Solar Schools program in mid-December 2020 with the first two of 30 school installations taking place at Scaddan and Condingup primary schools in the Goldfields Esperance region.